
We provide professional training courses for our clients that take their organizations to the next level.

Learn from the best

Owl Learning is focused on making it simple and fun to learn more about whatever topics that interests you!

Dr. Ahmed Takky

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

A New Learning Expereience

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.


Learning and Development Programs

Highly customized training courses.

Our Methodology is based on Adult Learning Principles. Our approach is:

Interactive Methodology

It includes instructional methods and use of media, role-play, experimental games, quizzes, self-assessment, tests, energizers, creative thinking, feedback
coaching, team building, group discussion and brainstorming sessions

Customized Industry Specific Programs

We offer customized training curriculum and development methodology using
he results of the Training Need Analysis (TNA) conducted by our expert Trainers
and Consultants. Programs are also supported with customized casework to
represent organization and industry need

Valuable Reference

The program has a set of introductory activities, housekeeping rules, learning
experience purpose. Each program has a different set of printed materials
(participants, instructors and references manuals) the material contains valuable
information and references that helps participants use it as a guide during their
day to day interactions and consider it an on going training opportunity.


Participants must demonstrate competency willingness and commitment during
the program. Competencies and knowledge will be evaluated at the end of each
program. Each course/program can include performance based objectives, and
performance assessment/criteria testing to determine the transfer of learning and
knowledge to all attendees.

Feed back and Follow up

Upon completion of each course we deliver insightful feedback supported with
recommendations to help our customers implement the planned organization
and employees’ development process. We shall solicit as well a formal feedback
from the attendees, which will be passed to the engagement sponsor for
qualitative measurement of the assignment.

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